Please click in screen to view via YouTube to see the full screen.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Final Video
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 02:43 0 comments
Labels: Final Product
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Ancillary Task 1: Digipak Cover
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Front Cover |
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Left Inside Panel |
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Right Inside Panel (CD Tray) |
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Fold In Panel - Inner Side |
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Fold-In Panel - Outer Side |
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Back Cover |
Please click on the template below to see in a larger format:
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 02:45 0 comments
Labels: Final Product
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Ancillary Task 2: Album Advert
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 02:56 0 comments
Labels: Final Product
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Kirsten's Evaluation
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For my media product we had to create a music video featuring our artist, a CD album booklet and an album magazine advert focusing a pond the indie- pop genre using marina and the diamonds as our inspiration.. I chose to work alongside three of my classmates Sam McMahon, Taylor Barnes and Sarah Smith. Together we all contributed into making this project effective by each sharing roles in the videoing of the footage and also producing photos for our ancillary task.
We used the programme Photoshop in order to create our CD album as well as using Final Cut Express to edit our music video. We also researched into our chosen themes etc by using programmes such as the internet and then producing our initial ideas onto the blog. I contributed by taking part within filming the footage for our video, being involved in the music video by participating as an extra and also editing various parts with the Final Cut. By using demographic profiling we targeted the audience to 16-25 years old both male and female. This is due to the fact that ‘Marina and the diamonds’ being an indie – pop artist give connotations of being young, energetic and care free. The artist herself appeals to a large audience particularly teenagers to young adults as it talks about her finding her way in life and becoming who she wants to be. The bands social economic group would be E meaning unskilled as it appeals to teenagers, as well as D relating to the working class.
For our music video we decided to follow the conventions of the genre indie – pop. The genre is most appealing to teenagers as it connects to them through the fun and energetic vibe their types of songs give off. The genre promotes the need of all teenagers to be young free and independent, being who they want to be.
When it comes to music videos, they are generally aimed at a teenage audience usually therefore telling a narrative to keep them interested within the song which will appeal to a wider audience. We decided to make our video similar by basing it upon a narrative focusing upon teenagers.
The two most influential videos we watched were Ellie Goulding 'Starry Eyed' and The Noisettes ‘Never forget you’ Both were all about having fun but we used them both for different alternate reasons. The Noisettes video gave us ideas on how to produce on own and what key features we’d need such as costume, props, attitude and setting etc. Whereas the Ellie Goulding video gave a feel of what we wanted ours to include a fun and energetic unique vibe.
Overall i think our product was successful, we seemed to follow most things we had planned within our storyboard, various scenes were changed such as at the beginning we originally planned to have the artist walk up to the frames but this was impossible as we needed more time to film. So instead we chose to add fun sections of the artist messing around to create a more laid - back approach to the video. We used the split screen well in order to show our artist in different locations fitting in within the lyrics 'I just want to make a change' showing that artist is fed up and now wants to become successful. Our feedback from the audience gave us many positives on our video and how it was a success but also there was room for improvement such as possibly less locations and less costumes ideas as it could sometimes come across as too much, and drag their attention away from the video. By hearing this feedback it gave us as a group help on how we could have improved it and we appreciated the negatives and took them on board.
I personally enjoyed creating the video and being part of it as it allowed me to learn new skills and participant in something different that i haven't done before.
I believed a made a fair contribution to producing our final product as i attended most meetings but could of possibly made effort to attend more but was made difficult in certain cases. I also become involved in filming the video as well as being an extra needed in one of the scenes as well as editing various pictures and the video itself.
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 07:52 0 comments
Labels: Kirsten
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Sarah's Evaluation
Q1, in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Q3, What Have You Learnt From You Audience Feedback
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 09:31 0 comments
Labels: sarah
Taylor's Evaluation
Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 09:30 0 comments
Labels: Taylor
Sam's Evaluation
Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 09:30 0 comments
Labels: Sam
Feedback on Ancillary Task
div style="width:425px" id="__ss_6964467">Audience feedback on ancillary task
Our Final Advert
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 05:14 0 comments
Labels: Sam
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Our Final Digipak
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 15:01 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Our Record Label
This is the logo we have produced for the record label we created which is 'SSTK Recordings'. We have chosen this logo and name for our record label as it simple and memorable, the faded background also follows a similar colour scheme to Taylor and the Rubies album design (Self Fulfilled Prophecy).
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 08:48 0 comments
Labels: Sam
Monday, 17 January 2011
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Can you please read my instructions for this post and redo it as requested. All feedback on video product is to be in ONE post, following the structure outlined on my handout. You do not type out all your answers - you summarise them. As it stands, this is confusing to follow and I have to wade through a lot of material and an examiner would be yawning by this stage! Sort this for Tuesday please.
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 09:14 0 comments
Labels: Feedback
Friday, 14 January 2011
Audience Feedback : Final Video
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
The change from our old Digipak Cover design to the new one
Friday, 7 January 2011
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Edited Pictures
Posted by 2010 A2 Media Practicals (F1) at 14:00 0 comments
Labels: Taylor